Mt Washington Fun Facts

When was it named Mt Washington?
In July 1874 it was given its current name after George Washington.
Who was the first person to climb Mount Washington?
Mount Washington’s first recorded ascent was by Darby Field and two Abenaki Indian guides in June 1632.
Who was the first to drive a car to the summit of Mt Washington?
F.O. Stanley and his wife, Flora, drove an automobile to the top of Mount Washington to become the first humans to make this journey by car. The date was August 31, 1899. It took two hours and 10 minutes (not including stops to add water) to get to the top.
What is the fastest ascent to the summit of Mt Washington?
The fastest climb up the Mt. Washington Auto Road was done by Travis Pastrana in 2017. His race up the Mount Washington Auto Road was done in just 5 minutes, 44.72 seconds from the base to the summit.
What states can you see from Mount Washington?
On a clear day, it is possible to see into five states – New Hampshire, Maine, Vermont, Massachusetts, and New York. As a bonus, you can also see into Canada.
It Can be Windy!
Mount Washington holds the world record for the highest wind gust observed by man, at 231 mph (372 km/h), recorded on April 12, 1934.
What is the elevation of Mt Washington?
Mount Washington is the highest peak in the northeastern United States at 6,288 feet above sea level.
What is the average annual snowfall on the summit of Mt Washington?
The average annual snowfall on the summit of Mount Washington is 281 inches.
What temperature extremes have been recorded at the summit of Mt Washington?
The lowest recorded temperature at the summit was -47 degrees Fahrenheit; the highest was +72 degrees.
Why is it often stated that the Summit of Mt Washington has the world’s most severe weather?
Mount Washington is located at the confluence of three major storm tracks, and being the highest point in New England, it generally takes the brunt of passing storms. The steepness of the slopes, combined with the north/south orientation of the range, causes the winds to accelerate dramatically as they rise up from the valleys.

Can one see the Northern Light (aurora borealis) from the summit of Mt Washington?
Mount Washington provides a great vantage point for observing the Northern Lights several times a year.